About Lamda Analytical Instruments…

The team at Lamda are carrying rich experience and have been handling the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry instruments for many years. Our core activities like installations, troubleshooting, repairs, compliance services, equipment qualifications and scheduled services. We are experts in delivering user trainings, extensive awareness programmes for the beginners, educating end users as first level troubleshooters and also training for inhouse engineers on all makes & models of equipment. We can also provide Comprehensive support on compliance to meet current regulatory needs. Click here https://lamdaanalytical.com
Our Business lamdaanalytical.com
Lamda is an Independent Service Organization committed to offer quality services using industry experts at reasonable cost for the customers who are looking for high productivity. Lamda also offers an excellent training portfolio for the starters in chromatography. Lamda staff is specialized in equipment maintenance to extend productivity and life span please see our video
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